No matter what others say, it's worth it!

It is worth to look deeper to understand what internal and external change processes require. I support you, your team or your organization on this journey and accompany you in building the inner competencies that can help you now.

Lebe dein eigenes Leben statt das der Anderen!

Ich unterstütze dich dabei, dich selbst und andere erfolgreich und mit Freunde zu führen.

Coaching for people who question the existing - sensible, clear and effective -

Because a sustainable transformation needs courageous people.

Coaching für Menschen,
die Bestehendes in Frage stellen - rebellisch, klar und wirkungsvoll -

What I do

I accompany people, teams and organizations that are in transition. For one reason – I believe that we experience a social change that needs companionship and confidence. Because it confronts us with old patterns and paradigms that we cannot let go of overnight and in some cases also not alone.

As an economist and certified coach with further training in trauma-sensitive coaching, I combine systemic, economic knowledge with a deep understanding of us humans. Because I want us to be able to rethink both ourselves and economy and allow solidarity again. 

What makes my work special?

1) Sustainable with depth

Changing something in depth in the long term in order to shape the world of tomorrow and make companies fit for the future.

2) Individual leadership style

Recognizing your own leadership style and developing it into what you want.

3) Trauma-sensitive

Accompany people and organizations taking trauma into account and thus create a safe space for transformation.

4) Self-aware and self and self-effective

Strengthen your own effectiveness by developing inner competencies and live with self-awareness.

5) Individual and process oriented  

View people and teams flexibly as a whole and accompany internal and external transformations as individual processes.

6) Holistic 

Working not only with the mind, but with the knowledge of the whole body in order to integrate deeper imprints.

Shaping the future as a company

Work has changed. The environment has become more complex and uncertain. Employees need greater self-awareness and new inner skills in order to be open to leadership and change. I support you as an organizational and team facilitator, through talks and in individual leadership coaching.

My offers at a glance

private or as part of your job

With trauma-sensitive focus

Realize what you are made of and experience what life feels like when you feel less controlled.

Conscious Leadership through new inner competencies

Learn to lead yourself and create spaces in which you can live your leadership style.

To strengthen your self-awareness

We can only perceive in others what we perceive in ourselves.

Make a difference as a team

Become a team that can courageously shape the future

Inspiration and confidence

Mobilize, wake up and move to experience a different perspective on ourselves and our actions


Du willst nicht weiter zuschauen, wie dein Leben an dir vorbeizieht? Du bist die professionelle Fassade satt und willst sagen, was du wirklich fühlst und denkst? Statt alter Denkweisen wünscht du dir Aufbruch und Veränderung

Aber bevor du in Aktion treten kannst, brauchst du mehr Klarheit, einen Fahrplan und eine Portion Mut?

Dann bist du bei mir richtig!    

Bei mir bekommst du individuelle Coaching-Begleitung, die dich auf deinem mutigen Weg unterstützt. Damit du deine Natürlichkeit reden lässt, die Welt da draußen von deinen Stärken profitiert und du die Wirksamkeit erzielst, die du verdienst!

Und warum ausgerechnet mit mir?

That's what my customers say

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